teacup candle


If you are feeling overwhelmed, I would like to offer you compassion, wisdom and care during your most challeging times.

Our time here is sacred. Once we learn what truly matters, we live boldly and love unconditionally without judgment or fear of survival.  I would like to walk with you, offering my support, listening to what matters to you, and encouraging you along the way, through your challenges and awakenings, for you to be able to be present in each moment without feeling overwhelmed. You have given so much of yourself, let me be there to help you. As we learn to listen to what truly matters to us, we may need direction and reassurances along the way. I am here for you..


A journey of discovery, challenges, insight and growth. As we seach for ourselves, we transform. We are not who we once were.

At a young age I felt called to protect the ones who were unable to protect themselves and continued trying to save everyone from mistakes and choices, to the point, I wasn’t allowing them to live or grow. I burdened myself with caregiving responsibilities and became overwhelmed and exhausted physically, mentally and emotionally. Although I was coming from a very loving place, my actions created resentment, opposite of my intentions. A sadness grew inside that I could not escape. I felt alone, unworthy of happiness and unloved. There was something I was missing that I set out to find, I searched for help.



As we transform into our authentic self, we understand the importance of living our best life.

By letting go of fears we are more willing to accept change and transformation in our life and begin to realize the time we have been given is sacred. Wanting to make the most of each moment, we become more mindful the only time we’ve been given is now.

I want to help women who are feeling overwhelmed, unheard, and alone, be able to be present in their most sacred moments. To be able to live and love through their most difficult challenges and to live their best life, learning to let go and releasing control. Walking alongside them on their journey, bearing witness during sacred times. I will offer compassion with an open heart, letting go of all judgement, offering loving support and elightenment on their healing journey.

I Choose Now

I choose to let go of the painful past, and let the present determine my future. I choose to live and love in the present moment where there is life. I choose to slow down enough to connect with the gifts I have been given in this moment. I choose to be here, now. There is nowhere else I rather be.