About Me

I have a deep desire to seek truth and reveal mysteries that, with every essence of me, I know to exist. My inner self calls and I am destined to become and do things that, right now, seems greater than me. A feeling of being incomplete lets me know there is something more, something greater that I seek. A power exists in all of us, our gifts and wisdom are meant to be shared. It takes courage to seek and embrace our power and gifts, and confidence to share them.

We are not meant to live in fear of the future, feeling anxious of the unknowns, nor live in the past worrying over regrets. We have been gifted with the present moment and the choice of what to do in it. Being mindful of this knowledge I chose to live fully in every moment and share the gifts I have been given with you.

I choose to pursue growth and accept change. I seek the positive in every challenge, sharing the knowlege I have learned. I look forward to my transformation and each new gift. For now, these are the gifts I have to share and if you feel called, I would love to walk with you on your journey, with compassion and an open heart.

I am an emotional intuitive, empath, sensing others emotions and feelings as if they were my own. Because I have went through my own hardships and painful challenges, I understand we must awaken and identify with the lessons from the pain, instead of making the pain our identity. Some of us have a bigger book of lessons than others. As we shift our energy toward learning and healing, we need to open our heart, becoming more compassionate. To heal, we must focus on loving ourselves and living for ourselves. This is a necessity that most of us have never been taught and we have false beliefs this is a selfish act.

As a lightworker, I am able to connect with my higher self as well as our spirit guides, who offer guidance that is needed at this time. They offer enlightenment on situations that need clarity. I will hold space for you and offer compassion and understanding allowing you to open your heart, and start the healing process. I offer my support and gifts to assist you on your path to healing and living your best life.



Rayleen Nelson,

Life Doula