Sacred Times

Art Studio

by G. R. Nelson

I have drawn and painted sporatically throughout my life. I would never call myself an amateur and certainly not a professional. Through art I have learned many things about myself, such as, the need to be in control and the desire of perfection. I love the feeling of release that creativity brings. and I am super excited for every lesson I learn and every painting and project I complete. I am glad to share my passions and am grateful to be here with every one of you.

I have spent many years searching for my soul’s calling, hoping to find my unique gift to share with the world. I love all the beautiful things in life; color, light, animals, the elementals and I have a new appreciation for the dark too, as it brings growth and balance. I am grateful the Milan family chose to share their gifts by creating the Milan Art Institute, which promotes the spiritual and professional aspects of the arts. Becoming a professional artist has been a dream. I surrender myself to the process of creating and learning so it becomes my reality.