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Find meaning and new perspectives with tarot readings.

Whether you are seeking affirmation or clarification, readings provide insight on the lessons to be learned when we face challenging situations. This insight helps us break away from our karmic loop and patterns as we learn to master each challenge.

Readings Offered

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Animal Spirit Readings

Animal spirit readings are great for revealing insight and guidance, bringing attention to parts of your life that need acknowledgment and exploration. The messages each animal carries will be unique to you.

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Tarot Readings

Tarot readings are great for long term type of questions that speak to your overall life journey.,with a deeper connection to subconscious and inner self, narrowing in on a source.


Oracle Readings

Oracle readings are great for short term types of questions that require you to do some inner reflection and soul searching, mostly goal and affirmation oriented, giving insight to the greater picture.


What you can expect.

Readings will be delivered digitally via email. You will receive a personal reading. Any extra cards can help add clarity and define the root cause of a challenge.

Tarot and Oracle Reading Pricing


Option One


One card pull. from a tarot, oracle or animal spirit deck.


Option Two


Two card spread. The second card expands upon the first card, providing extra illumination.


Option Three


Three card pull. Three card spreads help to clarify a situation, and gets deeper to the heart of the challenge you find yourself facing.